Friday, February 22, 2008

The Long Winter... almost

Well, global-warming-theory aside, we've had our share of cold here lately. As in about a solid month (maybe more? I've lost track!) of frigid days, continuous new little (and not-so-little) snowfalls, biting wind, icy sidewalks, slippery roads...

And yes, I really do love snow. I always say I'm glad I live in a climate with four seasons (I love them all), and that's still true.

Despite this, I'll admit I am very ready for Spring. :) But though this winter is starting to seem somewhat endless, I know we've had it easy compared to Laura Ingalls' "Long Winter". If I'm feeling wintered-out after this, I can hardly imagine what seven months of harsh blizzards would do! Wow, folks back then had stamina. And yes, we may be trying to beat the blahs about now, but we've still got it easy.

That being said, I still can't wait to run outside barefoot and discard the heavy coats! =) All in good time...


Anonymous said...

Neither can I!=)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for spring, because I am tired of staying in the house =)

Claire said...

Lady Kathleen and Teresa, thanks for all of your comments lately! =)
It's great having you ladies stop by!