Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Faith on My Sleeve"

My godmother Simonetta, who also happens to be a Catholic singer-songwriter (in addition to homeschool mom and Director of the Little Flowers Catholic Dance and Theatre Troupe) released her long-awaited latest album last week on St. Valentine's Day!

From her website:

Be Not Afraid!
We can wear our Faith on our sleeve to the depths it exists in our hearts! If at Confirmation, we become Soldiers of Christ: then we should go out and fight for Him with Love being our sword and the Rosary our sheild, never looking back, ever moving forward, towards Him.Find solace in the interior life, be comforted by God's ineffable Love, and be bold in showing your love for Him, because one person can change the world: You!

If you want some wonderful, connect-you-with-the-Lord and wake-up-your-soul music, look no further! This album is beautiful, with melodies that are sometimes soothing, sometimes catchy, sometimes invigorating...and always inspiring. We've already listened to ours a number of times, and each time it grows on me more, and I get something more from the rich lyrics.

By the way, my sister Sarah and I are actually on one song on the album, along with a few other girls... her rendition of the "Hail Mary".

Best of all, through the Saint Philomena Foundation, you can request a copy of this beautiful Catholic album for free. Well, what are you waiting for? Head on over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy lisetening to the cd :)