Friday, March 07, 2008

What We Can Bring

"Women are called
to bring to the family,
to society, and to the Church,
characteristics which are their own
and which they alone can give:
their gentle warmth
and untiring generosity,
their love for detail,
their quick-wittedness and intuition,
their simple and deep piety,
their constancy."

- St. Josemaria Escriva


Kaila said...

That's a beautiful quote,Calire. I alos love the picture :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the quote =)

Jesse Caldwell said...

Hi Claire,

As you may already know, homeschooling was recently outlawed here in California by a 2nd. appellate court. or just google "homeschooling outlawed in CA".

HSLDA is preparing a petition to give to the CA supreme court asking the case to be "depublished" (ie. applies only to the isolated incident.)

Would you please take a moment and go to and "sign" the petition and perhaps ask your friends to do the same? It is easy and it only takes a moment.

eijtaeojoaehoj said...

Very true... :)