Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Laughs from Children

To funny not to share...

Last night at RE classes, my mom graciously substitute-taught Grade 1 for me because the catechist couldn't be there (thank you, Mom!). The daytime school teacher had left a classroom window open and written on the board, "Please shut the windows, thank you!".

During class, Mom had the children make Easter greeting cards for their families, and so she wrote a few words for them on the board to help them with messages. Near the end of class, she started erasing the window message, when one little boy called out, "Wait, I'm not done with it yet!"

Apparently, that Easter card will have a rather unique greeting. :D


Melissa said...

Haha! That is funny! :)

Victoria Rose said...

LOL! That's a great story, Claire! Thanks for sharing. :)
