Monday, September 07, 2009

From Sweet Sixteen... to Sweet Seventeen

Dear Veronica,

I can remember — though I was only four — that day you were born: how can it be 17 years ago? What colorful years they have been! Your creativity, personality, and spunk have etched your invaluable place as the third child in our family.

"Sugar and spice and everything nice" always makes me think of you. Your dramatic demeanor has always made it easy for your family to "roast" you, yet you are usually quite gracious as the subject of laughter. ;)

Persistant and devoted, your gifts and talents edify not only your family, but so many others as well.

"His Little Butterfy", how utterly special that from our long-watched cocoon should emerge a gorgeous butterfly — on the morning of your birthday!

You live life with a passion, and though the combination of our assertive personalities has induced "clashes" at times, I love you lots and am so grateful to call this graceful, taller-than-me 17-year-old my sister.

In the spirit of your patron Saint Therese, keep growing as His little flower!

With love,

P.S. Thanks for letting me have so much fun taking birthday photos of you!

(Explanation for readers... the first few photos were snapped at Grandpa and Grandma's farm in WI when we were there yesterday, the butterfly photo this morning, and the rest this afternoon after I did Veronica's hair to match her 1930's Belles on Their Toes-inspired homemade dress. Isn't she too charming? And so photogenic...I wanted to capture every pose!)

By the apple tree

About to leave on her daddy-daughter date this afternoon

* * *

Happy Birthday, dear Sister!


Rose Marchen said...

Happy Birthday Veronica!!!!

You look so lovely in the photos!

Victoria Rose said...

Happy 17th, Veronica!!! You look so vintage and loverly! May God shower His blessings upon you this year.
~Vicki M.

Megan said...

Happy (belated) birthday Veronica!