Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good enough to be from Chesterton

or from one of those other great philosophers. Actually, it's a bit from an email from a friend of mine (a philosopher-theologian in the making -- those are his majors). It was so profound, I asked for permission to share it...

So don't be frightened by the long task ahead of us. Don't be scared away by the fear that you might not be strong enough yet. You are only called to live one day at a time. God will never let the cards be stacked against us too hard. He will never let it be harder than we can handle. And the amazing thing is, in this war, our Commander already won, all we have to do is stay on His side.

The first time I read that, I thought Wow. And I went back, and read it again. And an amazing peace settled over me as I let it sink in. Our Commander has already won. If only we would remember that more often. Our task, really, is simple: All we have to do is stay on His side.

Amen! Deo Gratias.

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