Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekend Recap...

Thursday: Lively bus ride to D.C. with prayers, songs, hair braiding...all the usual Claire stuff. :)

Friday: Went up 13 floors at the Old Post Office Building in D.C., Marched for Life with 200,000+, interviewed live by EWTN along with my sister, prayed and sang at the Supreme Court steps, enjoyed time with my sister Sarah and my dear friend Malori!

Saturday: Attended Students for Life Conference and had wonderful surprise reunions with friends, went to a packed-full Mass at the crypt church of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, rode the Metro train (first time!) and spread smiles to whomever I could, visited the Servants of the Lord Convent, had precious time with my sister back at Christendom College, and then went to the black-and-white "Oreo" Dance

Sunday: Awesome Christendom Liturgy, afternoon socializing/open house, evening debate society gathering, swing dance practice!

Monday: Sat in on Theology, Astronomy, and Philosophy (where discussion included differing natures of men and woman AND the four temperaments...totally my element), said goodbye to Sarah (love you, sis!), flew to Atlanta for my connecting flight to Chicago, then find out the lovely lady sitting next to me lives a few blocks away (Erika, thanks so much for the ride!)

...just a slightly full and blessed few days. My heart is overflowingly grateful.


His Princess said...

I know! I'm so grateful too.

THANKS a bunch for a really great visit.

Love ya lots,

Kathryn said...

Sounds like you had a great time! IS Sarah going to post pictures of your dance? Or were you having so much fun that you forgot to take some? :)

Claire said...

Sarah: Love you, too!

Kathryn: I don't know, but I hope so because I didn't have a camera with me! I don't know if we took any during the dance, but we did take a couple of us together in our "Oreo" outfits afterward. :)