Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bodies on Display

I read a disturbing article this morning at regarding the touring "human body" exhibits that have become highly popular in the last few years. In these exhibits, real human bodies which have been partially dissected and gone through an extensive preservation process are put on display. While many claim that they have unique educational worth, others have questioned from the beginning the moral uprightness of such an exhibition. As Christians, we understand the inherent worth of each human person — mind, heart, soul, and body. The Theology of the Body teaches that because the design of our bodies teach us about our Creator and our relationship with Him, the body is sacred and precious. Not an object for lustful fantasy, a toy for sexual conquest, a vehicle for trafficking of illegal substances...or a display at a science museum.

The issue also raises concern that such individuals were not given the reverent burial to which we as Christians believe each person is entitled.

The aforementioned article, however, reveals that the questionable nature of this topic goes even deeper than the concerns mentioned thus far. There is evidence that the bodies on display by some producers are very possibly the remains of executed Chinese prisoners. "BODIES: The Exhibition" even has a disclaimer on the opening page of their website stating that they "cannot independently verify that they [the bodies] do not belong to persons executed while incarcerated in Chinese prisons."

From the article:

Among the critics is Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, who according to NZ Catholic newspaper called the display a sort of "human taxidermy" that "degrades the actual people who, through their bodies, once lived, loved, prayed and died."

Read the complete article here.

1 comment:

Rose Marchen said...

That is horrible! Especially the part of them possibly being from Chinese prisons. You don't think that some of them were imprisoned religious, do you? That would be just awful!