"Now many nations are assembled against you...
But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD,
they do not understand his plan..."
And indeed, how frequently we don't understand His plan (though we think we do). This race is far from over. We have our own hopes and evaluations of how things need to "work out". At times, it may seem as though the nation is assembled against us :), but in reality the thoughts and plans of Christ surpass any we have. Our God is a God of suprises. And of mystery. And of twists and turns in the road. And of power... power that will ultimately prevail if we trust Him enough.
Enjoy this beautiful Sunday! (That is, I'm assuming it's as lovely by you as it is here: very crisp and cold, but sparklingly beautiful, with sunshine turning brilliant the little layer of snow on our ground, and clear blue skies overhead. Frigid and frozen, yet magnificent!)
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