The following was one of the reflections I penned after experiencing "The Passion of the Christ" for the first time three years ago...
This Triduum, may we unite ourselves intimately with Mary, to suffer the Passion with her.
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To the Mother
What were you thinking, Mary
on that age-awaited day?
“Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
you heard His people say
What were you thinking, Mary
as their whips tore through your Son?
Our sins of flesh atoned for
by the One guilty of none
The innocent, the spotless One
Your precious baby Son
You gave Him up, and offered Him…
to die for everyone
What were you thinking, Mary
as they mocked the Kings of Kings?
“Ecce Homo…Behold the Man!”
On cold deaf ears it rings
What were you thinking, Mary
when Pilate called for water?
It was the spotless Lamb of God
they were about to slaughter
The innocent, the guiltless One
Your precious baby Son
You gave Him up, and offered Him…
to die for everyone
What were you thinking, Mary
as He embraced the tree?
Those beams He would first carry
and be nailed to then, for me
What were you thinking, Mary,
when in the road at your feet
Your little boy fell down in the dust
and your eyes were able to meet?
Your mother’s love went out to Him
Your mother’s hands ached to hold Him
Your mother’s heart beat One with His
as you looked at your precious Son
Your mind went back so many years
to the infant Son you held near
And as your tear-filled eyes sought His
His own told you not to fear…
What were you thinking, Mary
as each nail was firmly pounded?
Each sin of mine wielding that hammer
while each clang in your heart resounded
You stood at his feet as He gave his life
Each soul to redeem and save
Your Son looked down, and then these souls
To you as children He gave
Your mother’s ears heard His prayer for them
who nailed your heart there with Him
Your mother’s heart beat One with His
as you saw the price paid for sin
What were you praying, Mary
as in your arms lay your Son?
Your mother’s heart beat close to His
pierced, now still…the work was done
This Child Whom you were given
Your precious baby Son
You gave Him up, and offered Him…
to die…and live…for everyone