Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great Article!

Pope Benedict Tells Youth: Church Counts on You
Urges Them to Be Envoys of God's Love

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 4, 2009 ( Benedict XVI is encouraging young people to pray and live the sacraments, so as to be witnesses of hope and joy in a world that counts on them.

Recalling the 2008 youth gathering in Sydney, the Pontiff reminded the young people, "I urged you to let yourselves be shaped by [the Holy Spirit] in order to be messengers of divine love, capable of building a future of hope for all humanity."

He added: "Youth is a special time of hope because it looks to the future with a whole range of expectations. When we are young we cherish ideals, dreams and plans. Youth is the time when decisive choices concerning the rest of our lives come to fruition."

We ask ourselves, he noted, "Where can I obtain and how can I keep alive the flame of hope burning in my heart?"

The Holy Father observed, "Experience shows that personal qualities and material goods are not enough to guarantee the hope which the human spirit is constantly seeking."

He said, "If you find your sustenance in Christ, my dear young people, and if you live profoundly in him as did the Apostle Paul, you will not be able to resist speaking about him and making him known and loved by many of your friends and contemporaries."

Benedict XVI emphasized: "The Church depends on you for this demanding mission. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties and trials you encounter."

"Be patient and persevering so as to overcome the natural youthful tendency to rush ahead and to want everything immediately."

He added, "Following in the footsteps of the people of hope -- composed of prophets and saints of every age -- we continue to advance toward the fulfillment of the Kingdom, and on this spiritual path we are accompanied by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Hope."

These are just some excerpts. Read the whole thing here!

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